Monday 18 January 2010

About Our Audience

When considering our target audience we thought carefully, and came to the conclusion that male and female, middle aged people would be the best target audience for the radio advertisement. A household product like the kettle would not appeal to teenagers or any other age range below it, as it does not have any real appeal to that age range. It is not a toy, and it doesn't really have any fun qualities.

This is why a product of this calibre must be driven towards parents of family's and people that move into a new home. We want it to be seen as a must have for any kitchen in the country. A kettle is seen to be important in the kitchen in today's society, and you will not see a bunch of teenagers setting out on a shopping spree buying the latest kettle. It is more likely that you see someone of a more mature age going out and buying this type of item.

Once we found out exactly who are target audience will be, then we must go about trying to hook them in with our radio advertisement.

when will they be most likely listening to the radio?

what station will they most likely be listening to?

what product do we intend to sell?

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